Where in the
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Maybe they mean
Guest Group
Posted: May 15 2014 at 10:07pm | Views: 8879
Umm maybe this person means that coop city is a false advertisement. It's supposed to be a middle income complex but it has low income and section 8. Just a thought!
Rent a Coop City, Bronx apartment
Posted: May 14 2014 at 3:48pm | Views: 8879
Could you please explain "false advertisement."
Advertisements that appear on coopcityinfo.com are provided by our advertisers. Our only responsibility is to display them.
If you feel you are or were deceived/tricked or "duped" by the content you saw in an advertisement, feel free to reach out to the company represented in the advertisement.
Any website questions, reach out to us.
Guest Group
Posted: May 14 2014 at 1:48pm | Views: 8879
Stop with false advertisement