The raven
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Posted: Jul 30 2013 at 5:03pm | Views: 60156
Please explain your use of the term non-factor in this context as it is not clear. Also what does wach mean? Oh wait you mean watch - are you threatening people? Internet thugs are as bad as Internet trolls. BTW "Miss Bitch" was the OP (original poster) she didn't respond so I hope you aren't mistakenly referring to another poster here. Lastly why so defensive? If you don't respect someone or feel they are a threat you wouldn't resort to such childishness. Let's hear something from you other than a useless personal attack on an Internet forum. FYI you are projecting as many educated people use short code online. She might be bitter but, sounds like you may also be in that same boat. No offense but your post didn't say one thing about coop city. You just namecalled a name calling troll. Congrats. Lol (smile I'm trying to be silly) but really post about the complex - what do you think about it? Do you love the area? Do you think it needs improvement? Any suggestions?
The Raven
Guest Group
Posted: Jul 30 2013 at 4:40pm | Views: 60156
To the person who posted as a guest on 12 Jul 2013 at 9:53pm. There is something called an internet troll - they exist to stir the pot. That is exactly what "miss bitch" did. Even though her comments weren't wonderful she did spark a conversation and one thing was true - they have allowed people to move in and live in the complex even though they don't belong there ( e.g - s*** breeds s*** or wait did she really write s*** BREADS s***???) LOL. There are many people who illegally sublet their apartment. I know of one cooperator personally and hope they kick her out (to miss bitch, the sub-letter is a morena but that has nada to do with it, lo siento mucho. And no I'm not of the hispanic ethnicity or the black or white race so let's not even bother to analyze..psst a lot of us are multi-ethnic and/or multi-racial now a days LOL). There are also many people who got in by paying off the sales office staff. One woman was even fired for getting caught taking payoffs - it was in the news! The truth is that the place is corrupt and it starts from the top and even involves local politicians (I hope that's in the past now; hi Andy King I have a lot of hope for you, you are a pretty good guy). Hopefully Wells Fargo and HUD will clean this place up. Luckily the ML program is in better standings than the NYCHA portfolio. However there is still a problem with tenants vandalizing their own complex which is really not middle class co-op owner behavior. Pardon my grammar as I'm typing on my phone. thanks in advance LOL.
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Posted: Jul 12 2013 at 9:53pm | Views: 60156
In response to miss bitch you are a true definition of a jackass. I could tell by your response as well as your grammar and spelling, your education is limited . The reason why I believe you are so bitter is because you realize that you are a non factor. You need to really wach what you say .
Apartments For Rent
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Posted: Jul 09 2013 at 11:03pm | Views: 60156
It's really sad that there are so many nice, working class people in coop city that have to put up with the jerks who treat the area like their personal junkyard hangout. The apartments are pretty nice but management and certain tenants who could care less about themselves, their neighbors or taking any pride in anything are ruining it. In fact the corruption, apathy and turning a blind eye are also a big part of the downfall. With the new mortgage refi backed by a major bank (Wells Fargo) I'm curious to see what becomes of this complex. Wells will not want the bad press of being part of a slum. It will either get cleaned up and weeded out or it will be run further into the marsh land it was built on and foreclosed on, assets (if any lol) liquidated and sold. Personally I think the people who are actually the type of individuals a limited equity coop would want to keep as tenants here are the most under served population in the community and are quite possibly the minority. There are scathing attorney general reports outlining all of the management deficiencies, failure to comply with DHCR rules and general lack of oversight in coop city - but still nothing gets done to remedy the problems. The reason for this is that the corruption runs so deep that it is rotten to the core. So many problems here, it starts with the corporation and it's managing agent. It's all being done by design these people are poverty pimps and unless Wells Fargo and the state agencies do something to protect their investment and the tax payers (who subsidize coop city keeping it affordable) its going to hell in a handbasket. Then again maybe there will be another bank merger and or bailout and this asset will be shelved and disregarded as another worthless piece of minority housing in the inner city. Another factory of violent, unemployed, ignorant, entitled and lazy waiting for the next handout. Hopefully they will get all the gangs out of the place - starting from management all the way down to the bottom feeder street thugs who harass the people of this neighborhood. Anyway the facts are clear it's just a matter of time before we see if it implodes or not. Point blank period.
pissed off ....
Guest Group
Posted: Jul 08 2013 at 7:50pm | Views: 60156
I dont think blacks are the problem.Its ignorant motherf**kers like you that have no clue of their surroundings or neighboring communities and the melting pot that exists. People of all cultures have as***les in it. But, you are no different by putting your race/ethnicity on blast by using moreno which is obviously use by hispanics and further more you're not white despite your skin color. Whites dont like black or hispanic. Last time i checked y'all have some morenos too
Guest Group
Posted: Nov 15 2012 at 6:47pm | Views: 60156
cant say its always been a ghetto...lived here since it opened.......but in the past 10-15 years they have let sh*t move in here that came from the ghetto and those foriegn fkn countries who bring their lack of respect and nasty dispositions........but then again ghetto city is run by a bunch of low life MORENOS (blacks)
and u know what they*t BREADS sh*t ! maybe one day this place will be like it was back in the day, and not WELFARE LOWLIFES!